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Board Member of the Columbia University Young Leaders Council, Caitlin Brodie, Provides Lessons to Help Leaders Grow

Caitlin Brodie of Greenwich, CT

Caitlin Brodie of Greenwich, CT, a Managing Director of one of New York’s most prominent global investment firms, has worked hard to establish herself as a specialist in fundraising, philanthropy, and investor relations. With her many accolades, initiatives, and career highs, she carries an extensive resume of experience in tow.

Since achieving the position of Managing Director, Brodie has taken an active role in local development, helping existing partnerships flourish while cultivating new opportunities. Her work has led to her becoming a dedicated member of the Columbia University Young Leaders Council, and Private Equity International even went so far as to name her second on its list of Future 40 Leaders.

Achieving these accolades before the age of 40 has taught Caitlin Brodie invaluable lessons. These lessons can help others who are looking to develop into leadership positions. Today, Caitlin Brodie will offer some insights to help others who share her passion to evolve as a leader and continue to improve at their craft.

  1. Embrace Challenges

Growth doesn’t occur in one’s comfort zone. Caitlin Brodie of Greenwich, CT, is a firm believer that no matter what field a professional works in, they can only sharpen their skills when they take on obstacles and embrace challenges. Those who avoid issues will often exacerbate their impact. The best thing a leader can do is set their mindset to embrace challenges as opportunities to sharpen their skills and raise their value to their company and their clients. The more challenges a leader takes on, the better they will become at creative problem solving.

  1. Be Honest

In the corporate world, leaders must set an example via their words and their actions. Prioritizing honesty over harmony is essential to completing the job at hand. For example, it can be uncomfortable to tell a staff member that their portion of the project isn’t up to par, but the sin of omission can be much worse when the finished product does not represent one’s best work. The more a leader is honest with their staff, the more trust is built. When a leader makes a mistake, they should be willing to share that with their staff. People will always learn more from a leader who makes mistakes, corrects them, and learns from them than a leader who presents themselves as infallible.

  1. Be Direct

Great leaders are willing to offer direct feedback to their team members. It is unfair to judge a person’s performance when leadership isn’t providing them with reasons why they are coming up short. It is through direct feedback that people can gain an understanding and correct their mistakes. Also, if direct feedback is provided and improvement is not shown, it becomes much easier to have a more direct conversation about future actions.

  1. Pursue Your Passion

Caitlin Brodie believes it is absolutely essential to be passionate about your work when you hold a position of leadership. Anyone who views their role as a day job is not going to be able to inspire others because it will be evident that they don’t prioritize it. Leadership is often a vocation. When a person is passionate about their work, that passion disseminates throughout the rest of the team.

  1. Grasp The Bigger Picture

Effective leadership requires a person to have concrete goals that prepare their company and their clients for the challenges ahead. Approaching the future with confidence and enthusiasm can spread like wildfire amongst a staff. Every new approach should consider long-term goals. Great leaders understand that the best practices of the day may not prove as beneficial a few years down the road. Allowing a business model to evolve with the times can greatly benefit all parties. While the goals remain constant, the methodology of reaching those goals will likely need to evolve over time. Great leaders are more than willing to showcase their abilities to shift gears for the greater good of their organizations.


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